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How to Improve Reading Skills for IELTS| Top 10 Tips to Increase Your Score


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1) Improve Grammar skills

If you want to improve your reading skills, you should focus on improving your grammar skills. You should have a proper command of grammar, such as sentence structure, verb form, noun, pronoun, plural, and singular. Question types such as summary collection and sentence collection require that the sentences be grammatically correct when you answer. Grammar can help you find the right answer. Many students want to know why one answer is correct and another is not. The reason may be related to grammar. You will know this when you practice reading.

Why is this useful for IELTS?

In the IELTS speaking test, you may have to talk about a different story from the past. Talk about yourself and explain your past experiences. If the actions are still relevant in the present if they still have an impact or not. You have more time to make this decision when you are writing instead of speaking, but if you practice this rule, you can think faster.

2) Improve Vocabulary skills

If you want to improve your reading skills in IELTS so you will have to improve your vocabulary skills. Lack of vocabulary is one of the key reasons why students do not get good scores on the IELTS exam. Learning vocabulary is not just about learning new words; it is also about how to use these words in your sentences. You can improve your vocabulary by practicing reading passages. 

You should practice learning synonyms and using these words in your daily life. Because when we read new words, we do not use them in our daily sentences. We forget it. If you want to really improve your vocabulary, learn more words and use them in your daily life.

3) Improve speed of reading skills


Follow some strategy improving your reading speed.

  • Instead of skipping from one word to the next, widen your reading gaze to include three words at once. Attempt to increase the number of words in each glance to about five by catching three at a time.
  • To accelerate, use a pointer. Every third word will have the pointer appear. You will move through the text more quickly and advance more quickly.
  • Ensure that comprehension is not compromised in favour of speed. It's very simple to read an article quickly and remember nothing afterwards. Utilize your improved speed reading abilities in online reading comprehension tests to avoid this.


4) Skimming and Scanning

This is one of the practical techniques that the students can employ when dealing with paragraph-like questions: scanning the paragraph to get an overall grasp of the paragraph quickly. For this, the students are advised to skim through the passage without spending a lot of time carefully reading words and sentences. This not only informs you of the layout of the paragraph but also gives you a better idea of what the passage is all about. 

You should not spend more than three minutes in this activity solving individual questions, you have enough time to frequent the paragraph and locate the answer. To follow these skills, the students can make it a habit to skim through newspapers and magazines regularly to improve their paragraphs and the ability to locate key information in a piece of writing.

5) Practice And Practice

Everyone says that practice is the key to success, and if you want to succeed in any field, you will have to put in more practice. Practice makes perfect. The best way to make sure that your preparation is going well for the IELTS is to go through practice tests and exercises. This helps you improve your time and responses so that when you are taking the IELTS, you have a good idea of how to pace yourself. There are a few resources through which you can get access to a few of the best test demos available on the market.

These tips are bound to help you develop the necessary abilities to successfully clear the IELTS test. There are more insights that you can gain if you get in touch with experts who prepare for IELTS coaching. get With timely feedback, you can improve your command of English. The students should not ignore the larger goal of the IELTS test, which is to ensure that they can manage their academics in an English-speaking country.

6) Analysis of your Strength and weakness

When students start preparing for the IELTS exam, they should quickly analyze their strengths and weaknesses. Because every person has a few strengths and weaknesses. If we know our weaknesses, then we work on them with proper diligence. Convert weakness into strength. With a realistic analysis, the students will be able to focus on the high-priority areas and make the most of their preparation time.

Students should also appear on the mock IELTS test paper and assess their scores for a realistic result that they can expect. It is also the best idea to get plenty of feedback from knowledgeable sources who can find out the exact mistakes so that students can form strategies for the concerned areas.

7) Understanding the full passage is not important

You do not have to understand the entire passage, you should only focus on the right answers appropriately. Most of the questions test your ability to find the information that is given to you and then understand the sentences that involve the particular information. There are only two types of questions that you would need to understand the entire passage.

8) Identifying Keyword

One way to find the right answers to the IELTS questions is to look for clues in the questions themselves. The questions may have some words that are important, such as numbers, dates, places, names, and so on. These words can help you locate the part of the passage that has the answer, and you can use different words to express the same meaning as the passage. Read questions carefully and try to understand the intent of the questions and search for answers to the passage with similar intent.

9) Choose the Right Study Material

However, using past IELTS reading exams is a great idea.

I would like to suggest that you choose subjects in which you are interested. By using these strategies, you are far more likely to stick with the book and read more. You can build your language skills rather than exam skills, but it is a long-term strategy. Study material is beneficial for any exam if you are new and do not know which book is the best for the IELTS exam.


1. You can join a Facebook group and discuss with them.

2. Reach out to the IELTS Coaching Institute.

3. Watch interview videos of successful students and learn about them.

4. Search on Google for people who have the best opinion about books they prefer.

5. Choose students who have clear IELTS.

10) Follow Instruction Carefully

Follow the instructions carefully.

Example: If the instructions state to use one word only, make sure you don't write more than one word. You should not lose points for not reading the instructions properly.

Make sure your sentence structure is grammatically correct. Specially careful about singular and plural forms.


Q1.What is the best method to improve IELTS reading?

Ans. Practice makes perfect you, Develop your reading technique and last practice, practice and practice.

Q2.How to improve reading in IELTS easily?

Ans. Read questions carefully before writing text

        Improve your grammar mistake

       Choose the right study material

       Join the reputed IELTS Institute

       Participate Mock Test

Q3. Can I clear the IELTS exam in 10 days?

Ans Yes, you can but it depends on your hard work and English proficiency.

Q. 4 Can I improve my IELTS reading in 15 days?

Ans. You will have to make 15 days plan and each day you will have completed more than 4 topics.

Q.5 Can I pass IELTS without coaching?

Ans Yes You can practice but you will have to practice every section properly.

Understand the Test Format: Familiarize yourself with the format of the IELTS reading test, including the types of questions you'll encounter and the timing of each section. This will help you better prepare and manage your time during the exam.

Practice Regularly: Set aside dedicated time to practice reading in English every day. Choose a variety of reading materials, such as newspapers, magazines, academic articles, or online resources, to expose yourself to different writing styles and topics.

Expand Your Vocabulary: Build your vocabulary by learning new words and phrases regularly. Make use of dictionaries, vocabulary lists, flashcards, or vocabulary-building apps to enhance your word knowledge and comprehension.

Develop Skimming and Scanning Techniques: Practice skimming for the main idea and scanning for specific information while reading. Skimming involves quickly reading through a passage to get the gist of the content, while scanning involves searching for particular details or keywords.

Focus on Key Information: Pay attention to headings, subheadings, topic sentences, and other structural elements that highlight key information in the text. This will help you identify the main ideas and important details more efficiently.

Practice Reading for Detail: Train yourself to read for detail by carefully analyzing the content of the passages. Look for specific information, examples, explanations, or evidence to support the author's arguments or opinions.

Improve Reading Speed: Work on increasing your reading speed without sacrificing comprehension. Practice timed reading exercises and gradually increase the difficulty level as you become more comfortable with the pace.

Understand Different Question Types: Familiarize yourself with the various question types in the IELTS reading test, such as multiple-choice, matching headings, True/False/Not Given, and sentence completion. Learn strategies for approaching each question type effectively.

Practice Time Management: Practice managing your time effectively during practice tests and mock exams. Aim to complete each section within the allocated time limit, and use strategies such as skipping difficult questions and coming back to them later if necessary.

Review and Analyze Mistakes: After completing practice tests or exercises, review your answers and analyze any mistakes you made. Identify areas of weakness or misunderstanding and focus on improving those areas in your future practice sessions.

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